What Is The Difference Between Salsa And Bachata?

This is a great question and one that I get very often from my students. They are both Latin dances but are very different in their overall presentation.

What is the difference between Salsa and Bachata? The biggest difference between these two dances are their overall presentation. The Salsa dance is very fast pace and has very quick turns, whereas the Bachata is danced at a much slower pace and has a much more intimate feel and presentation. Both dances are danced in 4/4 timing but differ quite greatly in how they are danced as far as steps, and the energy they put off. Learning both dances is most definitely a must because they usually go hand in hand at most Salsa venues.

There are so many Latin dances and they vary greatly as to how they are danced depending on the area of the world they are danced. There is so much influence on each style of dance whether it be the music, the culture, and each individual dancing it.

It is constantly evolving and Salsa and Bachata are just two of many Latin dances that are under this same influence. However, over time these dances have managed to become more and more standardized in terms of execution of steps. It is quite easy to contrast between the two,  given the numerous differences.

Where Did They Come From?

The origin of Salsa is not totally known. Most believe that it originated in Cuba and in Puerto Rico. It became popular in New York City in the 1970’s and continued to evolve.

It is now perhaps the most well know Latin dance around the world and continues to grow in popularity.

Bachata was originated in the Dominican Republic. It also can vary greatly in style but like Salsa, it has became more standardized and has taken on its own authority. Bachata has become more and more popular in recent years. Which is great! I truly love that dance!

Their Overall Presentation

Salsa and Bachata are both Latin dances and most definitely display an amazing Latin flavor that is captivating to watch. Salsa is a very fast paced dance and has many turns and intricate patterns.

It moves around the floor greatly, claiming dance floor real estate in great quantities. This is one thing I love about the Salsa. I love to move my partners around the floor utilizing navigational skills around other couples.

I love the challenge of doing this. Bachata on the other hand tends to stay a little more in its local position. Not to say that it cant cover some floor space,  but its overall presentation does not consume much floor space.

It is a slower dance and has a much more sensual feel. When dancing Bachata,  you can dance very close together with your partner giving it a very intimate feel. However,  it does not have to be danced close together.

I have taught Bachata for many years and have never taught it in a close manner that way. This close contact is something that can be easily incorporated into the dance and is most definitely utilized,  especially at the Salsa clubs.

Both dances have that amazing Latin flavor and are very fun to dance. The music for both dances are amazing to dance to and have great differences between the two.

The Music

The music for both Salsa and Bachata use a 4/4 timing. However,  the music for Salsa is much faster and is more energetic in the instruments of the music and the speed of the dance. The music demands a much faster dance and allows for quick turns and patterns.

The dance is very sexy like all the other Latin dances,  but because of the speed of the music,  the overall presentation is geared towards fast fun moves rather than sensuality.

In contrast,  Bachata music demands a much slower dance,  allowing the couple dancing to it to focus more on the sensuality of the dance rather than the fast turns and patterns.

The music gives a totally different feel for the dances and the ultimate goal in each one. Salsa music inspires the dancers to be flirty,  whereas the Bachata music inspires them to be more sensual.

Salsa music has a distinct sound with its rhythm called the “clave” rhythm. There are different versions of this rhythm and is usually accompanied by other instruments such as trumpets, Congo drums, and cow bell.

This variety of instruments gives the music a very energetic feel.

Bachata music is usually recognized by its signature guitar sound that consumes the majority of the music. However,  it has become more common for that guitar sound to be replaced with a synthesizer that really inspires the Bachata sound.

The music for both Bachata and Salsa  is very distinct in sound and are very easily recognizable. The steps inspired by the music is very distinct as well, and to see the dances in action, they would be very hard to confuse one from the other.

The Steps

The steps in these two dances are executed in a very different manner and are are very easily distinguished from one another.

The basic Salsa step goes in a forward and back motion. The dance consists of three steps. One step goes forward and the second and third go back. Then the steps are repeated in the opposite direction. One step goes backward and the second and third step go forward.

This pattern of steps is very different than Bachata. The steps in Bachata are executed in a side to side motion. In Bachata, there are three steps to the one side, followed by a tapping action with the free foot,  and then it immediately goes to the other side repeating the exact steps.

Both dances are very similar due to the fact that each one utilizes three steps in their basic patterns.

However,  Bachata is very distinct in its character because of the tapping action that follows the three steps. This tapping action is very noticeable when watching the dance and is usually accented by the dancers with a circular hip lift and rotational action.

This action is usually exaggerated by the female and gives the Bachata a very unique appearance. It is exactly what gives Bachata its very sexy presentation.

Learn Both Dances

At the end of the day, whether you are dancing Bachata or Salsa, you will most definitely enjoy the experience.

As far as what to dance, I can only say that you must learn both. It has been my experience that most Salsa clubs will play both kinds of music and knowing both dances will just serve you well and give you that much more time on the dance floor.

Its nice to be able to go out on the dance floor and dance those fast patterns of Salsa. The dance is exciting and can be very flirty.

But when that Bachata music come on, it is like the slow song that plays at your junior high dance. That is the time to dance a more intimate dance. It is a dance that can be very sensual and yet it can also be danced in a very friendly way.

It does not have to be sensual and it definitely has its share of complex patterns. The nice thing, is the patterns can be executed in a much slower fashion than Salsa.

Bachata enables you to have that break from the high speeds of Salsa and yet,  you can continue to be on the dance floor with something a bit slower and more relaxed.

Final Thoughts

I love dancing Salsa and Bachata. They are by far on my list of favorite dances. They are both amazing social dances and continue to grow in popoularity and I don’t see a decline in that growth any time soon.

If I had to choose between the two dances to learn first, for me it would be the salsa. I only say that because I have way more opportunities to dance Salsa than Bachata.

Typically I usually always steer my students in learning salsa first and for that reason of more opportunities to dance it.

But your case may be different. Maybe you have more opportunities to dance Bachata.

When you go to a club they tend to lean one way or the other. Some clubs will be Salsa heavy and some clubs will be Bachata heavy. So its entirely up to you what you learn first.

I would definitely make it a goal to learn both dances. If a club is playing Salsa music it is almost a guarantee you will hear some Bachata as well. Learn them both and you will never leave the dance floor!

Once you start learning to dance it becomes easier and easier to pick up new dances. At the end of the day, once you have learned one of those dances the second one will come much quicker to you.

The important thing is that you learn to dance! Dancing is the best therapy you will ever receive and it will improve your life in so many ways.

Good luck learning these sexy dances and I hope to see you at a club soon!

Keep dancing!