How Do I Build My Confidence In Salsa Dancing?

I have been dancing for many years and that is something that everyone goes through, and the short answer to that, is time. However, you can significantly speed up this process by using some efficient practice habits.

How do I build my confidence in salsa dancing? The best way to build your confidence in salsa dancing is by being good at what you learn. And being good at what you learn means a lot of repetition, focusing on the right elements, and putting your skills to the tests. In this article I will give you some insight on what all those things include.

Confidence comes with time

First you need to understand that partnership dancing is way different than dancing on your own. It’s hard enough to dance on your own let alone with a partner.

Give yourself a break and a chance to get comfortable with this dance. It feels very foreign at first and it will definitely take some time to find your groove.

There are different stages you will go through during your learning process. These stages all have their learning curves and it is very important to celebrate the small successes that you accomplish.

Time is ultimately going to be the deciding factor of your level of confidence and this will be dependent on how you actually used your time.

Focusing on steps

When you first start learning salsa, your focus will be completely on each step you take. But this focus that you have on your steps will actually take away from where you really want your focus, and that is your partner.

Where am I leading her and where am I being led? Obviously for the man it is about where you are leading her and for the woman it is about where he is leading you.

This focus that we have on the steps in the beginning is perfectly natural and totally required. But, your confidence will begin to sky rocket when your focus shifts from your feet to your lead or follow.

Lead and Follow

Gentlemen, when you begin to lead your partner or lady around the floor in an effortless way your confidence will grow tremendously.

Ladies, this goes the same for you.  When you are able to follow your partner or gentlemen all around the floor your confidence will also elevate to whole new levels.

So what you need to know is,  it is what your bodies are doing and where they are rotating and much less about what your feet are doing. The shift of focus from your feet to your upper body is when you will begin to feel the aspects of lead and follow and hence a whole new level of confidence.

Your steps are a result of your body’s rotations

Your steps are a result of your body’s rotations and not the other way around. This is why it can be very daunting trying to find a level of significant confidence.

Its only natural to focus on what our feet are doing all the time, but this is actually the last thing we actually want to be focused on. Salsa dance is about leading or following our partner around the floor and it is our bodies that actually accomplish this.

Our steps are only a result of what our bodies are trying to accomplish. Our body rotates which signals a lead and that gives us the follow we are looking for. Salsa , cha cha, mambo, and rumba all have different timing of steps but yet accomplish very similar patterns.

This is because the lead and follow technique is very much the same as far as the body’s rotations. This proves the point that it is about what our body is trying to do and our feet stepping in certain places as a result of it, and not the other way around.

I understand this may seem like a hard concept to grasps but it  is actually  the way our body and feet react with each other. Our body moves first and our steps catch our weight. This is our natural way of moving in everyday life.

Know your basics

I feel like a broken record saying this but it is the key to being good and confident at salsa and any other dance. Its all about the fundamentals. In any other sport you learn it is the fundamentals that will propel you forward in skill.

Imagine trying to score a basketball goal and you can’t dribble the ball with keeping your head up. This is exactly the same thing in salsa. If you do not know your basics well, it will be very hard for you to be able to lead or follow any complex salsa patterns.

You might be able to do it, but chances are it will look very sloppy and your partner will probably not enjoy it very much. After all, we really want to look good while we are dancing.

One example of a basic that you need to know extremely well is the cross body lead. You need to be able to lead it really well and if you are a lady you need to know how to follow it flawlessly.

Again, its about the lead and follow and less about the steps. The steps should fall naturally underneath you if you are doing it right.

Repetition is the mother of skill

I know everyone knows this but I cant say it enough. Practice, practice practice! But be very efficient on what you practice and focus on. Make sure they are key elements.

Leading and following are always the key aspects of salsa dance. Pick one thing like the cross body lead and obsess over it until you can do it in your sleep.

This is a basic figure in salsa that almost every advanced move will stem from. You need to be a master at this. Focus on what your body should be doing in this figure and less on your steps. 

Practice at Home A lot

It is so important to practice at home. This is where you will make some major breakthroughs in dance. You will feel most comfortable in the privacy of your own home and you will be more willing to tackle certain challenges from different angles that you might not feel comfortable doing in public.

Once you build more confidence this will not be as much of an issue but there is still no replacing the comfort of your own home. When I first started salsa dancing I think I have personally put more practice in at home than I have at the studio. 

Put your skills to the test

Now its time to go to a salsa club and put your skills to the test. 

Gentlemen, its very important that you keep your moves very basic when you first start dancing with a lady at the club. This will not only build your confidence but this will make her feel comfortable to dance with you as well.

The cross body lead will be your key move that you do and you will do it repetitively. Try not to do too many forward and back basic steps because these can become very boring very quickly.

Go into doing cross body leads one right after the other and throwing in a turn now and then. Remember, the cross body lead will be your basic step you do and repeat over and over throwing in some simple turns for the lady.

Ladies, you are somewhat at the mercy of whatever gentlemen asks you to dance. He may be advanced or he may be a beginner. Either way you need to try and relax and focus on the follow aspect.

Allow the lead to take you to your next step and try not to anticipate what is coming. This is very hard to do but it is what following is all about.

Being able to go to a salsa club and be successful at leading or following will really boost your confidence. This may take a few trips out so make sure you do not get discouraged. You will get better at this. I guarantee it.

Final Thoughts

Just remember that the confidence will come when you master the leading and following aspect of salsa. It not about the steps.

Make sure you practice the basic elements and make sure you can dribble that basketball with your head up before concentrating too much on making shots.

Repetition is the mother of skill. Practice, practice, and practice! Make sure you practice at home obsessively. Its a great comfortable place to practice.

And make sure you go out to the salsa clubs and test your skills. Very important.

And last but not least, Have a blast dancing!

Hope to see you on the dance floor very soon!