I can remember back when I first started learning salsa. It was frustrating trying to figure out what basic salsa steps I needed to master or learn really well. So I decided to go ahead and write this article describing what those steps should be. Hopefully this will really clear things up for you.
Basic Salsa Dance Steps. These are the most important steps that you should not only learn well, but master. Know these 5 Salsa patterns and consider yourself a Salsa Dancer!
- The Basic Salsa Dance Step: This will reinforce the basic timing of salsa. It is the foundation of the dance.
- The Cross Body Lead: This is actually what I consider the true basic of salsa. This is also the move that most of your salsa moves will transition from.
- The Cross Body Lead With Ladies Inside Turn: This is another move that a lot of other moves will transition from and it gives the lady an opportunity to turn.
- The Ladies Basic Underarm Turn: This is a great turn to start with for the ladies. Its fairly simple and is done from the salsa basic step.
- Open Break With Ladies Under Arm Turn: Another move that a lot of other moves transition from.
Why You Should Learn These Basic Salsa Dance Steps
So first let me make a confession. These steps are not exactly beginner steps except for the salsa basic itself.
The truth is, in my opinion, there are no real beginner steps worth learning unless they move you around the floor and provide fun for you and your partner.
At the end of the day, learning these steps I outline in this article will make you feel like a salsa dancer.
These steps are very doable for a beginner and yes they will be challenging.
But if you learn these steps well and never learn another salsa step afterwards, you will feel like you can go out anywhere and dance salsa with extreme confidence.
You will be able to go out and dance with anyone and they will have a blast dancing with you. These steps will give you the strongest foundation in salsa and you will be able to build on these steps easily if you know them well and don’t have to think too hard to do them.
First Lets Talk About The Basic Timing Of Salsa
Salsa is danced in 4/4 timing. All that means is that the music is counted in four beats, followed by another four beats.
This repeats throughout the music you are dancing to. But when we are dancing salsa, we actually count the beats in a progression of eight beats.
Instead of counting, one-two-three-four-one-two-three-four, we count it as, one-two-three-four-five-six-seven-eight.
So now let me break it down to the beats and when we actually step on the beats.
- Step ONE: is on beat ONE
- Step TWO: is on beat TWO
- Step THREE: is on beat THREE
- HOLD: for beat FOUR– there is no weight transfer on this beat. You will just pause for this beat. ( a weight transfer from one leg to another leg is technically a step, even if you do not lift your foot or make an actual step in a direction)
- Step FOUR: is on beat FIVE
- Step FIVE: is on beat SIX
- Step SIX: is on beat SEVEN
- HOLD: for beat EIGHT– there is no weight transfer on this beat. You will just pause for this beat. ( a weight transfer from one leg to another leg is technically a step, even if you do not lift your foot or make an actual step in a direction)
So when you are counting your steps you will say out loud the beats that you are stepping on. Hold for numbers in (**)
One – Two – Three (four) Five – Six – Seven (eight) One – Two – Three (four) Five – Six – Seven (eight)
One – Two – Three (four) Five – Six – Seven (eight) One – Two – Three (four) Five – Six – Seven (eight)
and so on and so on…….
This repeats throughout your salsa dance. It never stops. This needs to be automatic in your brain without having to think about it.
Another Option For Counting And Keeping Your Timing
The other thing you can do to keep timing is by calling out…….Quick – Quick – Slow…. every time you take a step. The Quicks represent one beat of music and the Slows represent two beats of music.
- QUICK – beat ONE ( step ONE)
- QUICK – beat TWO (step TWO)
- SLOW – beat THREE and FOUR (step THREE and HOLD on FOUR)
- QUICK – beat FIVE (step FOUR)
- QUICK – beat SIX (step FIVE)
- SLOW – beat SEVEN and EIGHT (step SIX and HOLD on EIGHT)
This is another option for counting your steps and keeping your timing. It is used very often in the dance world for many dances.
However, it is important that you can count using the numbers as well because a lot of people use numbers for counting their salsa.
Once you start dancing a lot you will need to be able to communicate your steps to other dancers when you are practicing with them.
So make sure you know how to count both ways or at the very least, know how to count with numbers.
The Salsa Basic Step
The salsa basic is great for getting the timing down of the dance.
Its very rare that i ever dance the salsa basic and usually do so more for effect or for more of an intimate moment in styling.
But the basic is great for learning your footwork and getting the timing down.
Don’t get me wrong, you will definitely dance the basic every time you dance and therefore it is extremely important to learn.
The basic is very easy to learn and if you can’t dance the basic, you may want to try a different dance!
Leaders steps – You will first start out with all of your weight on the right foot and facing your partner or if you are practicing alone, that works to.
1. First on beat one you will step slightly forward with your left foot transferring all of your weight. Make sure that your heel of your left foot does not pass the toe of your right foot.
2. Now replace your weight back to the right foot on beat two.
3. Take a small step back with your left foot on beat three.
4. You will now hold in place for beat four. Again be sure that your toe of your left foot does not pass the heel of your right foot.
5. Now you will repeat those steps but starting with a backwards step with your right foot. Replace weight back to your left and then stepping forward with your right and holding for beat eight. You have now completed one full basic of salsa.
Followers Steps – Your steps are exactly the same as the leaders steps except you will start in the opposite direction.
1. Take your step backwards first on your right foot.
2. Replace your weight back to your left foot.
3. Then take one step forward to your right foot.
4. Hold for beat four.
5. Now you will repeat those steps but in the opposite direction.
Special Note * – Make sure that you are taking small steps when you are practicing this. Its very important that your body weight is always over your foot.
Which brings me to body weight. Always make sure you are getting your weight to each step you take!
Another thing you need to pay attention to is your foot work. Make sure that your weight is over the ball of your foot and not your heel.
Salsa is danced with more of a flat foot action, but your weight should never be over your heel. You should always be able to lift your heels off the floor.
One last thing, make sure you practice this basic until you can do it in your sleep. It needs to be automatic before you even think about moving on to the next pattern to learn.
Ladies Basic Underarm Turn
Ladies, this is the first turn you need to master in the salsa. Just take your time learning it and take it one step at a time. Be precise in your movements and your steps. Speed will eventually come!
Leaders Steps – Leaders, you have the easy job on this step. The only thing you need to do is the salsa basic combined with raising your arm on the right beat. That’s it!
1. First do one salsa basic
2. On step 3 of your second salsa basic you will raise your left hand straight up like you are answering a question in class.
3. On step 6 you will lower your hand back down.
Followers Steps – You have the harder steps in this pattern , but the under arm turn is something that you will need to master!
1. First do one full salsa basic
2. Once you get to your third step of your second salsa basic allow the leader to raise your hand up.
3. Once you get your weight to your 4th step, rotate your body 180 degrees to the right.
4. Replace your weight back to your right foot and rotate your body another 180 degrees.
5. Once you have fully rotated back to what would be facing your partner again, take a small step back to your left foot.
6. Your weight should be completely back to your left foot. Congratulations, you have completed your basic salsa right turn.
Special Note * – Leaders make sure you allow the ladies hand to move within your own hand. You should not be grasping her hand tightly.
It should be very loose and easy for her hand to move and manipulate within your hand.
Another thing to pay attention to, is to be sure you are not trying to actually turn her. When you raise her hand up you are inviting her to turn.
She should do the turn all on her own without help from you.
Ladies make sure and be precise with your foot work. A forward step should be a forward step. A backward step should be a backward step.
Keep in mind that your body will continue to rotate 360 degrees without ever stopping during the rotation. This rotation can mess up your foot work. Just make sure and pay special attention to this and maintain precise foot work.Property of Askhertodance.com
The Cross Body Lead
The cross body lead is the most important pattern you will learn in salsa. This will be the pattern that you will dance the most throughout your salsa dancing.
I consider the cross body lead the true basic salsa step or pattern. Its so important to learn this pattern thoroughly because you will use this pattern to transition from one pattern to the next.
When I start dancing with a partner the first pattern I do besides the basic salsa step is the cross body lead.
Once I am confident my partner knows the cross body lead well, I rarely go back to dancing the basic step.
I will go over the pattern in detail and offer some leading and following aspects as well.
Leaders Steps – I will go over the steps precisely, but its important to understand leaders, that the lead is the most important part of this pattern. You will need to master the lead. Once you do, there will be no stopping you!
1. First do one full basic.
2. On your first step of your second basic, after you have transferred weight to the foot ,you need to rotate your upper body 90 degrees to the left as you step backwards slightly out of your partners path.
Your body should now be at a 90 degree angle from your partner. This opens the door for your partner to cross in front of you in the next step. Be sure you do not pull your partner to face you when you take this step. She should continue facing forward.
3. Then you will take a small side step. This will lead your partner to step directly forward.
4. Now as you step back to your right foot, rotate your body 90 degrees to the left with a strong frame so your partner rotates as well.
Keep in mind that as you step back you are leading your partner to her left leg before she can rotate with you. You will lead this with your right hand on her shoulder blade.
5. Take one step forward with your left foot as you close the partnership back up. And then step forward with your right foot.
You have completed the cross body lead.
Special notes for the leader * – The first three steps of the cross body lead is about getting out of the way of your partner and moving them through their normal basic step.
They will not rotate with you. On the fourth step you are actually leading them forward to their left leg immediately before rotating them 90 degrees with you.
Its important that you give them a strong frame during this rotation and that you do not try to rotate them before they get to their left leg.
Followers Steps – Followers, its important to understand that allowing yourself to be led and not letting yourself get ahead of the leader is key for this pattern to run smoothly.
You will allow the leader to feel the lead in their body and they will recreate that feeling more and more. This will improve their skill.
You should also allow yourself to feel the lead so your body connects your steps with the feeling of being led. This will help both of you tremendously.
1. First do one full basic.
2. On the first three steps of your second basic be sure that you keep your body facing forward as the leader opens up the path.
3. At this point your left leg should be free. The leader will lead you forward to your left leg and immediately following you will rotate your body 90 degrees with your partner.
4. Now you will step backwards onto your right leg while you are closing up the partnership.
5. Now you will step back to your left leg. You have just completed a cross body lead.
Special notes for the follower * – Make sure that on the first three steps of your cross body lead you keep your body moving in a straight path. Do not turn your body towards the leader.
On your fourth step make sure you do not rotate your body until all of your weight is on to the leg.
And again, its very important that you allow yourself to feel the lead rather than anticipating the lead and stepping before the lead is initiated.
This will take practice, but it is imperative that you wait for the lead. You want your body to feel the leads and become familiar with the feeling.
This will make you a very skilled follower and enable you to dance with a lot of different leads.
They will want to dance with you!Property of Askhertodance.com
The Cross Body Lead With Ladies Inside Turn
This is a great modification to the cross body lead that takes it to a whole new level as far as “wow” factor.
And I guarantee that the follower will really enjoy this pattern just because of the additional opportunity to turn.
This pattern also allows for transition into other moves. After you get the basic cross body lead perfected, then it is time to move on to this one.
Leaders Steps – Leaders, this move is done just like the basic cross body lead with some slight modifications. Your steps will stay exactly the same but you will initiate a different lead at a key point in the pattern.
1. Do your first three steps of your cross body lead. You and your partner should be at a 90 degree angle from each other at this point.
2. Now as you move to your fourth step, which is a backwards step as you rotate your body to the left, you will lead your partner forward as you usually do to her left leg.
3. Immediately following her weight change to her left leg, you will lift your partners right hand up to the left side of her face inviting her to turn to her left.
4. Continue with your last two steps and get ready to offer support to your partner’s left shoulder blade as she finishes her last rotation on her last step.
5. You have finished the cross body lead with ladies inside turn. Congrats!
Special notes for the leader* – Leaders, this is a fairly challenging pattern to get comfortable with. Its important that you have the basic cross body lead perfected before trying this pattern.
The focus on this pattern is the leading aspect. Its all about the timing in which you turn your partner. This is the challenging part.
Another challenging part is the offering of support to your partners left shoulder blade as she finishes her last rotation. Again, its all about timing.
One last thing, do not force your partner through the turn by cranking her arm. Its up to her to accept the invitation to turn and she is the one to create the velocity of the turn. Not you!
Followers Steps – Followers, this particular pattern is really going to challenge your turning capabilities. Its important that you start off step by step and be precise with your foot work.
Be patient and slowly master this turn. You will be doing this turn a lot in your salsa dance.
1. Do your first three steps of your cross body lead. You and your partner should be at a 90 degree angle from each other at this point.
2. Now as you move to your fourth step or left leg which is straight ahead, you should feel the leader lift your right hand to the left side of your face. When this happens allow your body to rotate to the left 180 degrees.
3. Now take a step backwards onto your right foot continuing the rotation to the left another 180 degrees.
4. Take a forward step onto your left foot while you continue your body’s rotation to the left for another 180 degrees. At this point you should be facing your partner.
5. You have completed the cross body lead with ladies inside turn.
Special Notes for the Follower* – When the leader initiates or invites you to turn, its up to you to rotate your body to the left as opposed to him pulling you through the turn.
You do not want to be pulled through the turn. Your turning arm should be very relaxed through this one and a half turn you are completing.
Its your body that motors through the turn and not the leader pulling you through it. This is very important.
Also keep in mind to keep your steps precise for the turns. It should be a forward step for half a rotation, a backward step for half a rotation, and a forward step for half a rotation which finishes your turns.Property of Askhertodance.com
Open Break With Under Arm Turn
The open break with under arm turn is a great pattern that you will find your self doing very often. It enables you to do hand changes very easily and sets you up for a variety of more patterns.
It makes for a great transitional pattern into other moves and is more fun than the simple underarm turn. This is definitely another pattern that you want to master in your basic salsa tool box.
Leaders Steps – This pattern is going to demand timing from you and a fairly simple lead. Your steps are fairly simple in this pattern as well.
Sometimes the simplicity of the steps is what tends to screw the leaders up. I always do this step from a cross body lead. It works out really great.
1. Do your fully cross body lead and as soon as you put your weight to your right leg ending the pattern, release your hand from your partners left shoulder blade.
2. Now with your left hand, offer pressure to your partners hand keeping your hands directly in the middle of your partnership. As you do this, you will step back with your left foot moving your body slightly backwards.
3. Replace your weight back to your right foot.
4. Step your left foot together next to your right foot and immediately raise your partners hand with your left hand slightly above her eyebrow.
5. Now step back with your right foot while holding your hand up. She will step forward and begin her turn.
6. Replace your weight back to your left foot.
7. Step forward onto your right foot as she finishes her turn.
8. You have completed your open break under arm turn.
Special Notes for the Leader* – The most important thing you need to think about on this pattern is the release of your hand when you finish the cross body lead.
Its important that you think ahead and release her slightly before you get your weight to your right foot when ending the cross body lead.
This will allow her energy to continue backwards when you step back on your left foot and away from her on your next step. Hence the term “open break”.
Also keep in mind its not up to you to crank her hand around to turn her. All you need to do is to lift your left hand, raising her hand up, which invites her to turn.
Then just allow your hand to trace a halo above her head as she does her turn.
Again, its important that you do not grip her hand too tightly, You need to allow her fingers to turn within your hand.
Followers Steps – Ladies, this pattern is great because it gives you another opportunity to turn and show off your stuff.
Your main focus for this pattern will be your precise foot work and the rotation of your body.
Its about creating the turn with the rotation of your body and not relying on your partner to turn you.
He will invite you to turn and then it is up to you to make it happen.
1. Do your fully cross body lead and as soon as you put your weight to your left leg, ending the pattern, your partner will release his hand from your left shoulder blade signaling to you that a change is coming up.
2. You will feel pressure to your right hand to step backwards to your right foot.
3. After stepping back to your right foot and slightly away from your partner, replace your weight back to your left foot.
4. Step forward to your right foot. Your partner will raise your right hand signaling you to turn.
5. Step forward to your left foot and immediately rotate your body to the right 180 degrees.
6. Replace your weight back to your right foot. You should be facing away from your partner at this point.
7. Continue rotating your body another 180 degrees to your right and step slightly back to your left foot.
8. You have now completed the open break with underarm turn.
Special Notes for the Follower* – Ladies, its important that when you step forward onto your left foot for your turn that you actually make a precise forward step rather than a side step.
If you make a side step instead of a forward step this will cause momentum into your turn and possibly throw you off balance.
This is a common mistake that i see way too often among female salsa dancers.
The goal is to rotate on top of your left leg rather than walking around your right leg. There is a huge difference in balance and speed when done correctly.
And the turn will look much better and professionally done.Property of Askhertodance.com
Final Thoughts
Hey guys! I hope this article really helped you along in your salsa journey. It can be really challenging to learn this stuff but with a lot of practice, I think you will really surprise yourself.
Its important that you take one thing at a time and focus on doing the patterns correctly. Its easy to get impatient and rush through the patterns.
Take it slow! Be precise and learn these patterns really well. These patterns will thrust you forward as far as skill and you will be able to easily incorporate other patterns into your salsa.
I have been dancing salsa for many years and the patterns I have focused on in this article are the patterns I dance every time I go out salsa dancing.
I cannot stress enough how these patterns will create such a strong foundation in your salsa dancing.
Good luck and keep dancing!Property of Askhertodance.com
Related Questions
How to learn salsa dance at home?
Learning salsa dance in the privacy of your home is imperative in the improvement of your dance.
It gives you a chance to work on all the elements of your dance you do not get a chance to work on when you are dancing with a partner.
I wrote a great article on this and it goes into detail about what I have done as far as practicing at home. You should definitely check it out! Click here to be taken right to it.
Is Salsa Easy To Learn?
This is a tough question. I get this question a lot from my students and the answer I give them is that it usually depends on how you learn salsa and what your focus is.
If you do not focus on the right elements of salsa it can make the learning process that much harder.
Work smart, not hard!
This is key to the learning process. I wrote a great article on this subject as well where I go into detail and what you should focus on to streamline your learning process.
It would be a great article to read whether you are just starting out or have a little experience under your belt.
Just click here to be taken right to the article. Property of Askhertodance.com